I normally upgrade my instance using ansible and it all goes smoothly. There is more to this upgrade and I do not understand some of the instructions. I think I need more specifics.
This is what I have done so far:
- Went to https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy-ansible
- Run Git Pull as instructed
- Gone to https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/blob/main/RELEASES.md
As I will probably have more then 1 question as I progress through - I will put the questions in different comments.
cd to your lemmy docker directory and run this helper script:
Where do I find this “lemmy docker directory” given I have used the ansible install in the past?
I am asking because I have tried running the helper script in the place where I thought I should be and it did not work
Thanks in advance
I have tried to run the helper script in the following directories: /srv/lemmy /srv/lemmy/instance name
but neither time was 12_15.dump.sql produced, so I guess I am trying to run the helper script in the wrong directory.
Can anybody tell me the correct directory to run it in?
@dessalines@lemmy.ml can you answer this question for me please. It will only take you a second.
Just let me code, please. Ask in the support channels on matrix or here for assistance.