I learned from Radio Free Asia that every North Korean soldier must ritualistically burn their face off when they join the military to show their devotion to the State.
Every North Korean soldier must also wear pants with a bunch of holes ripped in them and can’t wear shirts because they breath through their skin and too much clothing will lead to suffocation.
I learned from Radio Free Asia that every North Korean soldier must ritualistically burn their face off when they join the military to show their devotion to the State.
This shit would sound farfetched in a kojima game.
Every North Korean soldier must also wear pants with a bunch of holes ripped in them and can’t wear shirts because they breath through their skin and too much clothing will lead to suffocation.
Direct sunlight also resuscitates them.
Because their “Dear Leader” has a face, no citizens are allowed to lest they claim to be Kim Jong Un and confuse the public.