Be prepared! A general strike is scheduled for Mayday 2028, with UAW and CTU.
So that you can strike yourself, and so that you can help your neighbors, your coworkers, your comrades strike!
We’ve got 3 more years to prepare for ~10 critical days. If we are all serious about it and spread the word, and are truly prepared for the event, our demands and thus our conditions will improve greatly!
It is up to us.
Do we choose to accept the working situation we have become entangled in, or are we willing to sacrifice for something better?
2028 is far too late. Climate, forced deportation, and widening inequality will have all of us so weak and poor we won’t even survive the 10 days due to malnutrition.
That and it gives them three fucking years to prepare for our strike. If the rich do a pump and dump and crash the economy before we do then we’re the ones who get fucked. It also gives them time to prepare the national guard and military which might have clearance to murder Americans domestically by then.
Be prepared! A general strike is scheduled for Mayday 2028, with UAW and CTU.
So that you can strike yourself, and so that you can help your neighbors, your coworkers, your comrades strike!
We’ve got 3 more years to prepare for ~10 critical days. If we are all serious about it and spread the word, and are truly prepared for the event, our demands and thus our conditions will improve greatly!
It is up to us.
Do we choose to accept the working situation we have become entangled in, or are we willing to sacrifice for something better?
2028 is far too late. Climate, forced deportation, and widening inequality will have all of us so weak and poor we won’t even survive the 10 days due to malnutrition.
That and it gives them three fucking years to prepare for our strike. If the rich do a pump and dump and crash the economy before we do then we’re the ones who get fucked. It also gives them time to prepare the national guard and military which might have clearance to murder Americans domestically by then.
The sooner the better!
In 2028. The fuck? Now, my person. Now!