It seems like nobody is willing here in the US to actually throw themselves into a revolt or meaningful change because our conditions are just good enough.

I still see everyone around me going for the best social status, the best job, the best car, the biggest house, and completely ignoring all the major flashing red lights.

I feel like a crazy person, like one of those people that’s missing the point. I feel surrounded by lunatics and typically that means you’re the crazy one but I just know I can’t be in this situation, it makes no sense.

Why is it like this? Why do I feel surrounded by NPCs? I can’t connect to pretty much anyone here. It all seems so trivial.

I don’t want to sound elitist or anything I just can’t see how people still don’t see the full picture

What to do?

    2 years ago

    By “they”, I mean the bourgeoisie rulers and their worshipper proletariat. It obviously does not mean the working class that opposes the structure, however, it also happens to be a negligible part out of the “working class”, and liberals and conservatives, that make up a lot of the working class, actively choose to surrender in front of capitalism, and go as far as worshipping it, because all the alternative systems have been apparently tried and are horrible.

    The population is just kept complicit by immense propaganda that serves to protect those capital interests.

    This is the more important part. Why has the population not considered critically thinking and dissecting what is wrong with the existing system? It is not that hard to see the obvious blatant wrongs that have continued to exist in the face of people since decades. It is way too easy to see the marketing, the billboards, the bias in TV and print news media and so on. The problem is, people accept and take everything like good little boys and girls.

    Do you think that majority of people in the US generally think about or wish to exploit other countries and continents?

    Definitely most people never think of it in this way. Some actually do though. However, I will change your question a little, and the answers will become yes. Rephrasing it suitably – is it okay if US government continued to exert and expand its sphere of influence across the world, and suppress any and all near peer competitors like China ad Russia, so that US citizens could enjoy more prosperous lives? You should hear a lot of “yes” for this.

    Yes, its a bit harsh when I say 350 million people do not matter as much as 5+ billion people. But, do you realistically, and not idealistically, expect an awakening among US citizens on this scale? Something like the Joker movie has been culturally one of the most eye opening movies in recent decades. The whole Ukraine thing is being cheered on, where you would have expected some call out on the ridiculousness of it. China weather balloon became a spy device shot down by million dollar missiles.

    I am being realistic, not idealistic when I say this. If the people are not interested and want to continue being ignorant, how can you awaken them? Yes, it is true that we must never stop explaining, and sure it sounds good in theory. However, the barriers to practicing the theory far exceed just the media propaganda mechanisms of US government.

    People today choose to be ignorant. There is no way people cannot see things for what they are. They are so blatantly clear, and there is no requirement for deep, critical thinking today. It is the unfortunate truth, as hard it seems to digest. And I say this as someone who, for the past 3 years, has been teaching and advocating digital privacy and freedom via a huge privacy subreddit I founded myself. Most of the Western audience is happy to ignore something like Snowden and Assange revelations, and go for the China boogeyman, and this is after I have managed to open up and persuade many minds to see the façade.