Right now it’s still boring dsytopia level tech

  • Gaywallet (they/it)M
    61 year ago

    What is up with the way that article is written? Is this meant to be targeting incels? There’s a weird level of hand-holding tutorial interspersed with sexist ideology about owning a girlfriend. There’s also a weird shift from NFT art of women into trying to find a date in VR? but no mention that you’re trying to interact with a human? If this was written by a human (and not AI) I am very concerned

    • I only skimmed the article to see if we have Joi from blade runner 2077, so did notice not the weird writing, but feel free to remove this post if he’s inappropriate

        • This is why I enjoy reading rightwing thought sometimes. They are very creative in coming up with new proposals for making the world worse for specific demographics, often the poor. Good material for anime bad guys to say.