so i stumbled upon a thing on reddit

the thing is that there’s an obscure early scifi book by none other than wernher von braun, that is about mars colonization, where they find already existing civilization, leader of which is called elon. apparently this is why megaracist elon’s father named him that:

Interest in this novel increased in 2021 when people connected the Martian leader, called the Elon, to SpaceX founder Elon Musk, suggesting that von Braun may have somehow foreseen Musk’s space exploration ventures.[15] However, Errol Musk, Elon’s father, asserted in 2022 that he was fully aware of the von Braun connection in naming his son.[16]

also in that book: tunnels used for high-speed travel; nation-states became obsolete because of some magic tech; highly technocratic planetary government as a result. that stimulant habit seems historically accurate then, even if it’s cut with ketamine sometimes. some more red string on corkboard this tracks as one of his grandparents moved from canada to south africa because canada in 40s wasn’t racist enough for them, and with all the technocracy inc things.

so yeah, motherfucker might be believing - or even groomed into - that he’s destined to be a planetary overlord, all based on nazi scifi, and he’s playing it out irl with all the fuck you money he has

    2 months ago

    Sorry I think that Musk is a neo-nazi now, but he wasn’t a couple of years ago (he was an allround asshole and racist yes, but this whole white birthrates neo-nazi shit is quite new (as in the past ~5-10 years)). I believe this for a few reasons, a) because we saw him get radicalized on twitter, via the various tech radicalization patterns. This is also important because more people around us are being radicalized the same way, and we need to find a way to stop this. and b) I don’t think he was smart enough to hide his nazism. Him always been a crypto-neo-nazi means he would have been able to hide this for everybody for decades before he came out recently. And I just don’t think he is that cunning or smart, he bought Twitter by accident after all.

    So yes, he is one, but he wasn’t always, and that is important imho. (And small sidenote, I have met people who were named using nazi references from their parents, and they themselves were not nazis (but a bit traumatized by their parents being them), lot of shitty nazis in Europe still. I recall one really traumatized Austrian who while drunk was making himself angry and violent over his shitty parents, poor guy). So yeah I don’t believe in a nazi gene in a way.

    And don’t take this as a defense of the guy, in a way my opinion of him is worse than if he was a crypto-nazi all along. I think he got radicalized via twitter. Like how old people got radicalized into qanon, he is a follower not a thought leader. I just dont think this guy is a smart guy.

        2 months ago

        Before 2020 or so he only had kids with one woman, so this whole massive amounts of kids spreading thing still matches with my theory of his radicalization being late.