Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
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A lot of burgers are locked entirely into mainstream media; or the revolving NGOs masquerading as news agencies revolving around it. With a good chunk of the population entirely subsumed into the narratives presented on prime-time, I think it’s really, really hard for anyone “counter-cultural” to either not be coopted or casted out entirely when they don’t follow orders.
I mean, look at Greta.
I thought that Greta was moving in the right direction, lately? I get that she is probably still a neoliberal, but I remember thinking she is becoming more radical. The good kind of radical.
You’re right about Greta’s leanings toward more radicalism. The previous poster’s point is that people like Greta are touted by media when they’re not radical, but get dropped once they do.
Thus you won’t find these excellent leaders by watching mainstream capitalist media.
Having listened to Eugene Puryear of the PSL speak, his ability to connect cross-cultural historical knowledge with today’s struggles make him a great one to follow: https://www.instagram.com/pslbayarea/reel/DGPasWHRf_h/
Eugene is great!
I understand that phenomena. Kind of like how neoliberals fail to mention how radical MLK, Jr. actually was.