it seems that working from home is better than working in another place

    2 years ago

    No shit. Let’s see, WFH in IT:

    Get up at 8:30 Have breakfast without hurry Turn on the computer Work 8 hours, plus 20 minutes lunch break Turn computer off Make supper for the partner

    Meanwhile working from office right now, same job, same position, different company:

    Get up at 6:30 at the latest Force myself to swallow breakfast in under 30 minutes Get to the bus stop (through sleet or rain or what have you) Ride 40+ minutes Switch bus, because there are no direct routes Ride 20-30 more minutes Work 8 hours plus lunch break Ride back home for 1-1.5 hours

    And it’s on a normal day. Today it snowed so the first half of the route took 50 minutes, standing. And that’s just me, several people in my division alone live much further away. Some even live in the satellite towns outside the city and need to use appropriate transportation.

    No shit people work better from home!