And over a third looked at his platform, shrugged, said ‘eh, who cares; I’m not going to bother to vote; not as if I’ll be impacted anyways.’
They decided a criminal, Nazi-lover, and grifter isn’t that different from a PoC woman who at least wanted to run a sensible and functional government (even if some of her policies weren’t the best).
Which means, since they didn’t think Trump was a problem, they were fine with this outcome. They don’t care that this happened.
And over a third looked at his platform, shrugged, said ‘eh, who cares; I’m not going to bother to vote; not as if I’ll be impacted anyways.’
They decided a criminal, Nazi-lover, and grifter isn’t that different from a PoC woman who at least wanted to run a sensible and functional government (even if some of her policies weren’t the best).
Which means, since they didn’t think Trump was a problem, they were fine with this outcome. They don’t care that this happened.