A few useful #foss software and services:
@fedora - best #linux distro if you want stability and new software at the same time
@keepassxc - best offline password manager
@librewolf - best browser for #privacy and usability. It is what Firefox should be.
@libreoffice - best FOSS office suite with the most functionality
@protonmail - most trustworthy email service with E2E and Zero-knowledge encryption
@protonvpn - best choice for freemium #vpn service
@fosserytech @nihilistic_capybara @fedora @keepassxc @librewolf @libreoffice @protonmail @protonvpn There isn’t rly any good way to self-host email, especially when you also want to send. Receive sure, there are options, but sending emails from self-hosted server is almost undoable without all of your emails ending up in spam.