There are places where it’s used well. The Matrix, for example. Someone elseThread said Max Max: Fury Road, and I agree on that. Those are… at the moment… the only two that aren’t abominations of decolouring, though.
I don’t think the first three Matrix films are color-graded. The first one for sure is merely tinted. The process doesn’t seem to exist before O Brother, Where Art Thou. At least it wasn’t applied to whole films.
But yeah, Mad Max gets a pass for being all desert and sky. When someone has mango skin and key-lime eyes in a Miss Marple episode, fuck off.
If you really hate someone, teach them to recognize teal / orange color grading.
There are places where it’s used well. The Matrix, for example. Someone elseThread said Max Max: Fury Road, and I agree on that. Those are… at the moment… the only two that aren’t abominations of decolouring, though.
I don’t think the first three Matrix films are color-graded. The first one for sure is merely tinted. The process doesn’t seem to exist before O Brother, Where Art Thou. At least it wasn’t applied to whole films.
But yeah, Mad Max gets a pass for being all desert and sky. When someone has mango skin and key-lime eyes in a Miss Marple episode, fuck off.
The matrix green tone is noticeable more in the 2nd and 3rd to me much more than the first.
Like mad max fury road?
Yeah, and I like it!