Black hole cosmology suggests that the Milky Way and every other observable galaxy in our universe is contained within a black hole that formed in another, much larger, universe.
The theory challenges many fundamental models of the cosmos, including the idea that the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe.
It also provides the possibility that black holes within our own universe may be the boundaries to other universes, opening up a potential scenario for a multiverse.
Mine blown 🤯
As I understand it, the idea of Quantum Immortality is a bit more nuanced then that. It’s not that you would be “jumping between realities”. It’s more-so that, as the reality where you are alive is the only one you can possibly be aware of, any reality where you would die simply wouldn’t be seen by you. The splits where the potential to die exist would only be seen as “close calls” to the consciousness that is you. It’s more so a resolution of logic than a cross-dimensional mind swap. A pop-culture example of this is sort of seen in
Movie name
The Prestige.
Extra Major plot spoiler
Quick summary - in the movie, Hugh Jackman’s character gets access to a machine that instantly duplicates him, which he uses for his magic shows. To resolve the “small” issue of there being an ever multiplying amount of him, he has a mechanism to immediately drown the version of him on stage when they disappear as the other version reveals himself elsewhere in the theater. At one point, he talks about how he was always terrified that he would be the one being drowned. There’s a few interesting things about this particular line, the most pertinent one being that he is never the version that gets drowned, evident from the fact he is talking about it. Obviously this is just fiction, but I think it’s a good illustration of the concept. There are also a lot of details left nebulous, possible details of which could suggest Destructive Teleportation instead.
Those bastards are always one step ahead of me… At least I learned what they call it…