An open source adverts market acutually sounds like an insane, yet viable solution ive never considered. Not only would it be benefitial to users. But the adverts themselves would save money based on the fact that large corps fake advert data to bolster the price on their platform. curious did you come up with that or was this an idea thats been floating aroud?
I’ve not heard of it from anywhere else, But I wouldn’t be too terribly surprised to find projects for it. I haven’t really looked, but it seems to me like the next natural outcome.
It’ll probably be rife for abuse, and require heavy policing maybe light opsec. It might need the protection of a real company in the form of a non-profit at least.
An open source adverts market acutually sounds like an insane, yet viable solution ive never considered. Not only would it be benefitial to users. But the adverts themselves would save money based on the fact that large corps fake advert data to bolster the price on their platform. curious did you come up with that or was this an idea thats been floating aroud?
I’ve not heard of it from anywhere else, But I wouldn’t be too terribly surprised to find projects for it. I haven’t really looked, but it seems to me like the next natural outcome.
It’ll probably be rife for abuse, and require heavy policing maybe light opsec. It might need the protection of a real company in the form of a non-profit at least.