NOTE: the late “Lemmy” is a beloved Brit* musician from an enjoyable rock band, perhaps with some Led Zep-type analogues? (sorry, I just didn’t know him very well; kinda before my time)
Okay, what I’m trying to explain here is how we search for things and how we find them, particularly when we include the magical word: “Lemmy” in our searches.
For example-- I can just half-awake, lazily type something like “reddit” + search term, and BOOM! Robert’s your avuncular figure.**
Now, by comparison, hopping on an instance, so far I’ve found that searches within the Lemmysphere are remarkably strong. (well, at least for; I love my instance)
Unfortunately, that’s not how most people search and find us, which more typically involves Google, etc.
Hence my question, laddies & lassies-- i.e. is there anything we can do to influence how this search-stuff works…?
* see, I always find a way to relate things back to Europe, haha
** like “there you go,” ie. “Bob’s your uncle,” a classic Brit pub-phrase
For anyone who doesnt know Lemmy, just want to say hes easy to get a bad first impression of.
He was really well respected by people in music and was a good soul.
Theres an good documentary on him i think was on netflix.
Also My favourite clip of him
Also fun fact, he was a roadie for Jimmy Hendrix
“Screw 'em, do what you want” shall be the whole of the law.
I met him once or twice whenever my friends and I would end up at The Rainbow on sunset. It was always an interesting place to visit. Before he passed, you always knew Lemmy would be there. But you never knew who else you’d run into.
Yeah, I got that sense, and that there was a collective sadness when he passed.
There is a video game called brutal legend he does character for if interested.
Yes I’m a bit of a fan.
Inferno is probably my favourite Motorhead album, if you wanted to check em out