In perhaps his most disappointing policy announcement thus far, Carney has indicated he will scrap the Liberal’s plan to increase the capital gains inclusion rate. This mildly progressive measure was directed squarely at the passive incomes of the wealthiest sliver of Canadians and would have served as a healthy revenue generator. Instead, it’s destined for the scrapheap.
Carney isn’t a neoliberal.
His first act as prime minister was to axe a capital gains tax increase.
As someone who’s probably going to vote NDP.
That doesn’t make him neoliberal.
It’s certainly part of what makes him a neoliberal.
Let’s have a look at his website,
These all come straight out of a conservative campaign. The guy is neoliberal to the core. His great policy proposal is splitting the budget into two columns so he can (in my opinion) run austerity measures on social services while running a deficit to funnel public money into private hands via public private partnerships.