I don’t think it’s bait, but it should be.

Some of the seething

While legally you’re in the right, you are also a prime example of why everyone hates landlords. They’ve likely paid more than the house is worth in those 14 years they’ve lived there, benefitting you by not only paying your mortgage for you, but also funding your lifestyle of traveling the world and fucking around. It’s clear that you never owned the house of any merit of your own, but rather by leeching off of others to do so. YTA for not agreeing to sell it to them for a very reasonable price considering how much you’ve already benefited from them

YTA I understand you own the property (though if you bought it at 23 it clearly wasn’t through hard work), but you are evidently oblivious to the struggles most people are facing in the UK at the moment. This family has been contributing to your mortgage for 14 years and has made it their home and raised their child there, and you have now decided that none of that matters and they need to leave so you can have a huge house all to yourself. You may think that you are doing them a favour by giving them three months notice instead of one, but that’s because you seem completely out of touch. I don’t think you have any idea how difficult and stressful it is for regular people to find somewhere to live at the moment during a cost of living and housing crisis, especially with a child, and your threatening response to their points is callous. You should listen to your friends. This is why no-fault evictions need to be banned, sooner rather than later. You, like most other landlords, are a parasite. LEGALLY sure, you are in the right, but morally, you are an arsehole.

I was gonna say NTA, but reading “90% mortgage is paid and I dont want to start again” is a bit rich, considering you haven’t worked a single day to pay that house off. They’ve paid for you to travel the world for 14 years, and you can’t even give them 6 months’ notice to vacate.

YTA. Downvote me, Idgaf.