In reaction to Can you follow a PixelFed with a Lemmy account? I thought it might be interesting to brainstorm how Lemmy could integrate and federate with the broader Fediverse in cool ways 😎

With some random thoughts I’ll kick off the brainstorm…

With Microblogging apps

What are the interactions with apps such as Pleroma and Mastodon?

Search and view Lemmy community profiles
  • Profile shows logo and full description of the community
  • Profile can be followed like any other account
Follow a Lemmy community
  • The Follower count of the community increases by 1
    • Maybe the Follower count can be clicked on to show where followers are coming from
  • Lemmy posts appear in your personal timeline
  • Lemmy comments are part of the toot thread
  • A toot you add also appears in the Lemmy UI
  • A Lemmy comment you Like/Favourite counts as an upvote
  • Boosts attract others to the Lemmy post to interact with
Post a toot URL in a Lemmy post
  • If there is no link or image in the toot, the instance logo is shown
  • If there is no instance logo, then the app logo is shown (e.g. Pleroma)
  • If there is a link preview, then the link’s OpenGraph image is shown
  • If there is an image, then this image is shown as the Lemmy preview image

How does the Lemmy post interact with the toot? Two options:

  1. A new toot thread is created under the Lemmy microblogging profile
    • The original toot URL is inlined as a reference
    • Note: Quoting the toot text is discouraged in Mastodon to avoid abuse as @Liwott points out. Should probably not quote, and just show the additional Lemmy post’s title + markdown body.
  2. A new branch is added to the existing thread and Lemmy post is a sub-toot of that
    • Upvotes are Likes/Favourites on the toot

How do cross-posts work for these options?

  • For option 1 a new toot is created under the Profile that matches the cross-posted community
  • For option 2 there may be a notification sub-toot “cross-posted to [community]” under which a new branch of toots relate to subsequent Lemmy comments
Mentioning a Lemmy community profile in a toot

How do we handle that? Probably we don’t want any random fedi account to be able to create Lemmy posts.

One option might be to add a separate timeline to communities to support this: “Mentioned across the Fediverse” or something, where you can find all mentions, drill-down in the toot thread and maybe respond from Lemmy. Responding may be a moderator-only feature, as they talk on behalf of the community.

With Image Media apps

Federating with apps such as PixelFed.

Do you wanna give a shot at this? Then burn loose below 🚀

With Video Streaming apps

Federating with apps such as PeerTube and Owncast.

Do you wanna give a shot at this? Then burn loose below 🚀

With Podcasting apps

Federating with apps such as CastaPod.

Do you wanna give a shot at this? Then burn loose below 🚀

With Event Planning apps

Federating with apps such as Mobilizon.

Do you wanna give a shot at this? Then burn loose below 🚀

With Your App of Choice

Go. go. go! 🚀 🚀 🚀

  • smallcircles@lemmy.mlOPM
    3 years ago

    Thanks, I have updated above. The option 1 is still feasible I think, because inlining the toot URL is okay. Though some people create Lemmy posts with just an URL and no text. In this case they have to provide a title which can be transferred to the corresponding toot.

    Btw, I find Lemmy’s cross-post to be confusing feature. It works differently than I expected. See above in this post that there are 3 cross-posts of this one. But actually there are none. It just happens to be that 3 other posts exist that happen to refer to the same URL. Am I right in thinking this should be implemented differrently? CC

      3 years ago

      Cross posts aren’t meant to be a single post with shared comments and votes, but new posts that stand on their own to interested communities, each having their own comments, votes, etc. This is the reddit cross-posting model, and posts in lemmy must belong to a single community.

      I also think it does make the most sense: different communities will have different reactions to news / content, and don’t necessarily want that mingled with other communities.