So many communities use little subtle symbols and stickers and such to help identify each other in public.

For instance, those of us in the BDSM/kink community can pretty easily recognize the triskelion (looks kinda like a yin/yang except has three droplet shapes inside the circle instead of two, is also usually black and white) if we see a sticker like that on a laptop. Most normies would have no idea what that means though.

Are there ways we can sort of identify each other in public that is subtle and not very obvious? A hammer and sickle sticker or Soviet/Chinese flag (or really any red flag with gold stars that looks remotely Communist) on our laptop would draw a lot of unwanted attention if we are just trying to chill in a cafe or some shit.

It’d be nice to know occasionally if I had allies in the same room every now and then, shit’s lonely.

    2 years ago

    What about the five-pointed red star? It’s the historical symbol of of most revolutionary leftist movements and it usually blends in pretty well, considering its not an exclusively leftist symbol. Downside is it has the same effect as a Che shirt, it’s been commodified significantly in the past few decades.

      2 years ago

      Lol I have both a Che Rage Against the Machine shirt and a Olive colored shirt with a big red star in the middle, for both shirts there is the excuse that it’s just a regular shirt. Hell I even have a Russian jersey and S04 jersey from back when they used Gazprom and occasionally in my area it earns me a Здравствуйте but usually nobody recognizes it. Those ones are a bit more of a compromise anyways because it isn’t Soviet but I’m part Russian so its cool I guess