As a Chinese person who loves the CPC–every fucking time I go onto baidu forums my feed gets clogged with a few interesting articles and all of this wonky shit.

Apparently if you express any opinions remotely pro-west, you get called a “bootlicker”, and of course there’s the classic “kneeling so long you no longer know how to stand” and that kind of super cringy shit. in addition, they seem to want Xi replaced with Chinese Hitler, as they genuinely think Chinese are the masterrace. There’s constantly shit about how black people are inferior, and one article even suggested a “final solution” for “dealing with the black problem”. They also seem to want the blood of white people & japanese, including several overenthusiastic posters who wanted to murder japanese women and children and feed their dead bodies to dogs.

Uh yeah totally sane just normal-ass patriotism, nothing to see here.

On the other end of the spectrum you have these guys who always criticize the government for no fucking reason. CCTV praises beauty of fields? They don’t understand the pain of the farmers. CCTV praise hard work? They don’t understand the pain of the workers. They seem to hold the belief that all government officials are evil and corrupt, city management exists to brutalize old people. They probably hold a higher view of the Gestapo than their own police. The source they’re probably getting this shit from? A TV show.

Yes, a fucking TV show. And not just any TV show but Kuang Biao, the Chinese Breaking Bad (in terms of cultural status, it’s not about meth). Yes, these people watch this show and apply it to reality. It’s kind of sad.

rant over.

  • Black
    1 year ago

    “The black problem”? Things that simultaneously make me grateful that I’m still in the research phase of trying to get out of this soon-to-be warzone; and depresses me with the thought that there does not seem to be a single nation on Earth that doesn’t have a vocal fraction that wants me and mine dead. It might not be as large as Amerika’s; but it still exists, and I won’t exist somewhere I feel I need to be in hyper-vigilance.

    Not gonna martyr myself for an Amerikan, but simultaneously nowhere to go.

      1 year ago

      I do not want to pretend to know what your experience is like or like I have any worthwhile advice as a #FFFFFF sapiens, but have you looked into Barbados at all?

      92% black, 20% irreligious, social democrat ruling party, recently became a republic (Nov 2021). Good and growing relationship with the PRC and part of the BRI, literacy rate around 100%.

      In 2006, the U.S. sanctioned Barbados for not agreeing to exempt U.S. personnel from the ICC. China gave them aid, and in 2016 donated $3 million worth of military aid free of charge.

      I don’t want to say it’s a perfect alternative to being here, but it sounds like a place on the up-and-up. Rent is considerably lower but general ‘cost of living’ appears a bit higher on average.

      I’m vaguely recalling I may have suggested this before, to you lol. Maybe just a powerful case of deja vu. I want to fight for a better life for you and all of us in Burgerland comrade, but I get wanting to dip out, I’m sick of this shit. Just a potential option.

      Also, Rihanna could be your national hero. So that’s… something.

      • Black
        1 year ago

        I’m… Actually not sure if I’ve heard anyone pitch Barbados before, but if I’m frank with you, I’d rather deal with Black folk’s kinda-ribbing, kinda-sideeye colorism than this nation’s addiction to chalk outlines of Black bodies. I honestly have a bit of trepidation with regard to island nations given the very real potential for catastrophic sea rise in my lifetime; but Barbados sounds very much like the next place I should be looking into and whether or not the skillset I’m building right now can be put to work there.

        Even sea rise is better than dying for nothing at the hands of a settler.

          1 year ago

          Barbados comes to mind primarily because of its vicinity to Amerika and the fact that all the lines are goin’ up if you know what I mean (GDP, PPP, poverty reduction etc.). Successfully undergoing an anti-imperial transformation with the support of the socialist world, kinda epic. Afrika proper is still being plundered and destroyed, and even Ghana is not easy to get into anymore, but some parts of the Caribbean may be a refuge for black asylum seekers. Barbados is safe, healthy, and educated, and even if it ain’t Marxist-Leninist like Cuba, it is excellent to see a nation of those descended from slaves - a nation of black people generally really - doing so well and on its way to potentially becoming a (limited by size) regional power, especially given its proximity to the core.

          I can’t give much advice on how to get there ofc unless you got $2 million lyin around to invest in the Barbadian economy. Still worth lookin into I think, preachin to the choir I’m sure but I’m just sorry and fucking angry that you can’t sleep peacefully around here cuz who knows when some white mob is gonna get angry again. If they never get angry enough to mob up, it’s just cuz they’ve managed to keep black people “unsuccessful” enough that they don’t have anything to be envious of. (Though, no worries, we’ll consume the best bits of black culture and resell em to ya for a standard markup). Just fucking awesome. You deserve some rest, comrade, is all I’m tryna say.