We’ve recently got a decent fibre gigabit connection, so after a lot of reading I bought a gl.i ax1800 Flint router to run Mullvad on, rather than having it on every device individually. The setup was simple, and while I know that it will impact speed to an extent, it seems to be really limiting the connection. Like to about 13mbps, which is slower than my almost non-existent 4g connection. From what I’ve read, I should expect the flint to be capable of giving me about 4/5ths of my connection speed, so on ours I’d been expecting something in the mid-hundreds, as I’m seeing 800mbps or so just on the cat 7 from the modem. It’s almost certainly my fault, or something I’ve overlooked in the setup, so any help or pointers would be much appreciated.

  • noride@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I am actually somewhat familiar with the hardware, I have an older (2 years?) version that I use for wireguard when in hotels, etc. I get about 40% of their rated ‘wireguard’ throughput with it, which is where my assumptions came in about performance. I actually switched to an old android phone with a USBC to Ethernet and a local hotspot for this purpose instead. Glad to hear the newer gear is more inline with their estimates, though. Might be worth swapping mine out.