I want to immigrate away from the United States, but I don't know where to immigrate to.
  • The U.S is an awful place for workers, specifically neurodiverse workers; I am diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, and have dark-skin. :(
  • I also think it will turn fascist in some years which, based on history, does not give a good life experience for the disabled or neurodivergent.
  • I have not been employed anywhere; but I have read online about the dozens of awful worker stories, which (probably for my benefit) dissuaded me from getting a job as a teenager; and I don’t feel motivated to get one because of my ADHD.
  • U.S Self-defense laws seem draconian; even if I just rely on basic self-defense, exercise, and Krav Maga; I still fear that my potential self-defense plea will get thrown out.

(I think I want to dodge the NATO countries.) I think I would like to and try to immigrate to a socialist country; but I haven’t fully layed out my reasons for that yet.

If I think of anything else to add; I’ll edit the post to add it here.

  • lssssj@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Keep there until you get knowledge and abilities. Looking by your experience, or lack of it, looks like you will not get a good job in another country. Migration requires a lot of work and you have great chances of suffering from lack of money, inhumane living and working conditions, etc.