The only EO game I’ve played was IV on the 3DS. I bought it on a whim and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I was looking forward to this new collection but the price is kind of putting me off so I might just get one instead.

Anyway! Has anyone played both? How do they compare? Are they worth getting for this price or should I wait for a sale?

    1 year ago

    I did not play the new HD games, and I am probably not going to because of the high price. It seems from the pictures in the switch shop, and the descriptions of the game, that they only added some new assets for the characters, transformed all the graphics in high resolution one and adapted the map mechanics to fit the Switch. In terms of gameplay (except the map) or story, or even graphics, there does not seem to be anything new compared to the original. I honestly do not know how much work goes behind the scene to make such a remaster happen, but I’m still pretty let down that they did not change much (They could have at least made the visuals a little better, like, redrawing the environment, or showing the bosses in the world as real models instead of weird suns).

    What I mean is that it maaay be better to just play the original on DS (or on an emulator). But remember, my opinion is just from seeing the Switch shop page.

    However, if anyone has played the HD collection, I would also like to get input from them !