Insert Link dialog is inserting a ! symbol before the URL? which makes Boost not render it as a link, I don’t know if that’s the behavior on web Lemmy.
- Start a new post or comment
- Press the link button on the toolbar
- Fill the form and insert the link
- The resulting markdown looks like this:

If you press the preview (magnifier) button, it doesn’t show as a link, and this continues after you post the new message
The other thing is that both fields of the Insert Link dialog have the placeholder “URL”. I know the icons are different but at first glance I found it confusing
I’m not using Boost, but isn’t the bang at the start of the URL something to do with link handling on mobile devices? There’s a bot that goes around fixing them that way in some communities.
The bang at the start is usually used for Markdown images whereas regular web links only have the
syntax.Ah! Thanks for the information :-)
Fixed for the next version
thanks Rubén! great app. I tagged the post as fixed.
Nevermind it doesn’t
I came to notify the same behavior