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The “we are not the same” meme template, but here it says, “You want dense, walkable, transit-oriented cities because you love the vibrancy and convenience of urban life. I want dense, walkable, transit-oriented cities because I don’t want endless suburbs to encroach on the peace and tranquility of rural life. We are natural allies.”
Ugh just build towers for people to live in and have lovely parks all around.
How about: change zoning laws to allow people to collectively decide what sort of housing they would like, and connect those places through complete streets that cater to multiple forms of transportation. Instead of the current suburban cookie-cutter approach of single family homes and car dependence.
I agree. I want to live in a big stone tower and have a huge beard and spend all day reading tomes and pondering orbs.
Stay way from the orbs, that’s how you end up forsaking reason for madness.
That sounds like literal hell to me to be filed into a card catalog like that.
If you like it that’s fine, but I’d hate to live in a sky scraper