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The “we are not the same” meme template, but here it says, “You want dense, walkable, transit-oriented cities because you love the vibrancy and convenience of urban life. I want dense, walkable, transit-oriented cities because I don’t want endless suburbs to encroach on the peace and tranquility of rural life. We are natural allies.”
What I hate about cities is crowds and people. I don’t think there’s a way to solve for that.
Sure for people like you, you might still prefer rural lifestyle. I don’t think it will be everyone. But I think there are lots of people who just want quiet, safety, and beauty and find those in rural areas. But cities could have those qualities too if we managed and designed them better.
Which would be great because then I will have even fewer neighbors.
Yeah, this is one area I think those who love cities and those who love countryside can agree. Better, more liveable, more compact cities with less sprawling suburbia will make life better for both groups.