Mississippi might have an opportunity to have a Democrat as governor.

  • DevCat@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’ve always wanted to understand how incumbent politicians still have an edge in states that rank so poor in quality of life.

    -Instilling apathy

    Look how well that worked on republicans in the last election. They were told it was all rigged and many decided not to show up.


    It used to be “queer”, now it’s “groomers”. They will use any label they can to make their opposition into “the other side”. And anybody who even considers giving an inch is immediately branded as a child rapist. This combined with easily disproven lies about dems. Look at how they describe California as a state where they’ll take away your guns as soon as you cross the border, make you eat tofu the rest of your life, and lately, that they’ll change your kid’s sex without your permission.

    -Restricting voting

    They’ve been working on this one for decades and have pretty well perfected the tactics.