Do you buy rent or borrow? Or do you have a subscription of some kind? Do you read physical books or do you read ebooks?
I pirate shamelessly. Z-lib is my to-go.
Book Depository closed the other month, I don’t know if Amazon understood how important it is for people outside US and EU, but the closure really pushed everyone I know to casually switch back to piracy.
What? The website looks the same to me?
Where are you looking
It feels so good to finally say this outright. Arrr!
I buy (used) physical books for every book I read, other than humble bundles (typically for programming e-book bundles). I put a lot of my income toward books though, which is maybe not advisable, but I simply love having a ton of books in my home
I typically buy used books on ebay when I want something specific (often technical books), but for fiction I often browse one of the used bookstores around me, or grab a random book from one of those little library book-boxes-on-a-stick. I like to follow the whimsical approach of reading books that come to me
Thanks for the tip about the humble bundle with Oreilly books. Didn’t know they had one for that and just picked it up!