For me it was minesweeper clones. I got frustrated one day and decided to learn how to be good at minesweeper. After beating the medium and large boards a couple times I looked on Steam for minesweeper versions, and turns out there’s a whole genre of clones. Some of them are direct clones of the game, while others are very heavily inspired by minesweeper. The two best I played were Hexcells and Tametsi. Hexcells is stylish and is only hexagons (as opposed to the minesweeper squares), while Tametsi has squares, rectangles, and hexagons and is a lot more barebones. However I found Tametsi to be much harder. There were some levels on there that took me an entire day, and I think there’s like 500 levels. 150 levels

    1 year ago

    I’ve been loving the surge of reverse bullet hells/vampire-survivor-likes that have been coming out. Between feeding my addictive personality and being able to play on the couch while watching tv with my partner, they’re perfect for some weeknight relaxing. Brotato and 20 Minutes Til Dawn are two of my favorites but Halls of Torment is a new one with OG Diablo-inspired visuals that I’m excited to see grow.