I got my subscription a few weeks ago. I’m kinda regretting going for a 1 year sub.

For one I thought both Kurzgesagt and CGP Grey where on here only to learn they both backed out of the project.

According to Wendovers video https://nebula.tv/videos/wendover-how-a-small-group-of-creators-built-a-150-million-business/. I get the sense this happened around the same time they sold a good chunk of the company to Discovery.

Seeing all the creators hang out on a yacht isn’t exactly a selling point for me as a subscriber who’s struggling to make rent.

I’m also pretty disappointed by the lack of some features. Many of the videos don’t even have captions and the ones that do are using a poor quality auto capture. I also really want comments. I know YouTube comments are known for being utterly terrible, but education is a conversation and with channels like these commenters can provide a lot of added educational value.

Also the history feature would be pretty handy. I go down rabbit holes then totally forget where I left off when logging back in.

And even shorts, creators use those. I hate the YouTube shorts but if I where to abandon YouTube I’ll lose out on that content. By using shorts the content creators are keeping me going to YouTube .

I’ve also noted a lot of content is still formatted to YouTube. They have the click boxes at the end for more videos wich isn’t a function in Nebula. It’s like the videos are ending with a broken UI.

Overall I’m seeing a lot of effort to make the platform appealing to creators. However, there’s much less effort in appealing to subscribers. Long term that seems like it’s going to cause the whole thing to fail.

  • paultimate14@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    A lot of this is on you. You don’t need to buy a subscription to check what creators are or are not on the platform.

    Comments is a terrible idea. It’s very clearly a video hosting platform, not a social media platform. Just imagine the nightmares that would create. It’s another thing to moderate, another platform the Creator’s social media team needs to keep track of. These people have YouTube comments, twitter, Patreon, email, discord servers, subreddits, and probably more I’m not even thinking of. I don’t want to be paying for another unnecessary social media implementation.

    Shorts are terrible. If they had them, I would be asking for a way to hide them from my feed.

    The content being formatted for YouTube is on the creator, not Nebula. I’ve noticed most creators I watch tend to make changes for Nebula. Like instead of doing a baked-in sponsor spot, they will just thank you for watching on Nebula.

    The whole point is that these creators aren’t gigantic multi-billion dollar media conglomerates with thousands of employees. These are small teams, or even individuals. I don’t think it’s fair to expect them to do that much more work. I’m paying to get rid of the ads and nonsense of YouTube, not to have them do tons of intensive re-edits for a different platform.

    There’s room for improvement of course. I wish there were playlists and history. I wish the video player did a better job of resuming when I pause the app, do other stuff on my phone, and come back (it usually just freezes and clears my watch history). But overall one of my favorite things about Nebula is that it’s not trying to be anything more than a video hosting platform. No algorithm, no likes or dislikes, no comments. When I search it doesn’t just give me 5 results related to my search and then start just giving me random unrelated videos it thinks I might like.