Here’s my story.

Sometime in April a guy who was a friend of a friend started touching me, yes I know I should have not let this happen but I found him kinda hot so I let him touch me. Started questioning when I got home. I then developed a slight crush on him but got over it after a few weeks. At this point I figured out that I might be bi. I’m currently questioning what label of bi I fall under. I might be omni or just plain old bi

I should have handled the situation differently but it caused me to learn about myself.

    1 year ago

    I always knew but I was outed by my former best friend. We were sitting at a lunch table in high school and she suddenly yelled “You just checked out that girl! Just come out as bi already; we all know it.”

    I was deeply ashamed when she did that and it took me awhile to be comfortable with it. I distanced myself her after that. She also had drug issues so it wasn’t going to work out for multiple reasons.