I recently saw a post here commemorating Xi on his 70th birthday. Quite the accomplishment in terms of how well he is doing as a leader, and in terms of personal health.

However, this also got me thinking. What comes after Xi? Sadly he is not immortal, and is rapidly approaching an age where he will not be able to as effectively carry out his duties. Plus he deserves to retire at some point to also enjoy his life.

From this, are there plans for who will take Xi’s place? Who are the candidates with the most potential in terms of being elected? What will be China’s path after Xi’s resignation in terms of economic, geopolitical, military, and social development? Will Xi’s path be continued, or will a new leader decide to change course? Will a continuation of Dengist policies be committed to, as Xi did, or will there be a return to the policies of the Four?

Preferably Comrades who are Chinese, have ties to China, or are knowledgeable in the subject could give their observations and opinions, but for everyone else, what are your thoughts?

  • ReformOrDDRevolution@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    We’ll have to see what happens over the next few years, he may not even be in consideration for the position. He was an odd pick imo. I thought Xi would leave Li Keqiang there, but from what I understand they did not get along. The west liked Li Keqiang too.

    I think Li Qiang was likely chosen to signal to the west that China would welcome their investments much to the chagrin of the US who has been trying to pry it away via sanctions and the continuing trade war. In that sense he was a good choice for his current position. The more the west spends in developing China the better for them.

    I doubt he’s China’s gorby though, as the situation in the two countries are very different.