Reddit’s advertisers are already a bit wary. I honestly don’t think it would take much more than a couple of dozen boycott threats via twitter, facebook, whatever for a marketing team to decide it’s not worth the drama and move their advertising dollars elsewhere.

Unlike other controversies where brands can try to appeal to one side or the other, there aren’t really “sides” to this. There’s just people that are vehemently opposed to Reddit’s current actions, and people that don’t care and want to look at memes. The only people that are going to be happy that (eg) IBM are advertising on Reddit is Spez and his staff.

This seems like a simple thing the average Redditor can do right now, and I don’t think it would take much to make a real impact.

I just fired off a bunch of tweets to the advertisers I can see (they seem very regional)…


    1 year ago

    What companies advertise on Reddit? I don’t use an app that shows ads, so I have no idea who I would be boycotting.