Obviously we support AES countries as well as Palestine. Which other countries are worth supporting? (critically, of course)

  • IngrownMink4☭@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Catalonia was more of a “pay less taxes” independence way.

    It’s true. I mean, the Catalan bourgeoisie is the one promoting Catalan independence, and this only benefits them, not the Catalan working class. In the Basque Country, the Basque bourgeoisie prefers to promote nationalism. It’s the Basque left that has promoted this idea of independence from the Spanish state the most. This is because following the acts of ETA, a large part of Spain discriminated against the Basque Country. My dad, when he did his military service, was in fact forced to lie about where he lived in order to avoid problems.

    The “socialist party” I keep hearing in the news about I assume is PSOE which is socdem?

    Yeah, they’re socdems, pro-EU, TERFs, and populists. The current government has done decent things not thanks to the PSOE, but thanks to the government partners who are slightly more radical than them (Unidas Podemos + EH Bildu + ERC). Still, they are a geopolitical disaster. The PSOE refused to join China’s Silk Road yet, for example.

    Sorry for asking such rudimentary questions, I need some historic reads about the area to understand it better probably.

    Don’t worry! It’s okay. But bear in mind that I’m probably not the best person to explain the situation here, so take what I say with a grain of salt (mostly because I’m still learning and my analyses may be poorly developed).

    I assume the anti-independence protestors are fascists that want a Greater Spain or whatever as always.

    Yep, you’re absolutely right. It’s only the most reactionary and right-wing extremists in the country who are protesting. In fact, to no one’s surprise, many Francoist flags have been spotted during the demonstration.

    Is there a communist party with official information on this subject?

    You can read this opinion article written by PCTE Secretary General (Astor Garcia) on this issue: https://www-nuevo--rumbo-es.translate.goog/2023/11/15/gobierno-amnistia-y-estabilidad/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=es&_x_tr_pto=wapp