Post your shave of the day for Saturday!

  • 6/17/23

    Going to go do a little side work this morning. Kryptonite really fits the bill for a sunny and warm Saturday. The lime in it is super well done, and combined with the woodsy notes it has a real summer vibe to it.

    When I first got in to straights and was trying to figure everything out and what I like, I’d seen Thiers Issards and thought “you’d have to be crazy to spend that on a razor”. Oh man, how things have changed! Getting this one was definitely a milestone in my wetshaving journey, so it has a special spot in my den. It’s also a very nice shaver, so that certainly helps. Very nice shave this morning.

      1 year ago

      “you’d have to be crazy to spend that on a razor”

      lol! I felt that way when I bought my TI Le Grelot. Now I’m looking at a Tanifuji that costs four times as much. Naturally, I need another razor :)