So hopefully I’m doing this right! :) (I’m still new to some of this so haven’t figured out things yet! I did ask this via Mastodon also, but wanted to add more detail to my answer!)

Is there a computer game, a moment in a game, a boss fight, or a specific moment that you would love to experience fresh with no prior memory of it?

Mine would have to be The Seat of Sacrifice fight in Final Fantasy XIV, one of if not my most favourite fights in the game to date.
The mechanics work so well and tie into everything that’s been happening, and then that moment where <redacted> (I refuse to spoil it!) shows up to help and then leaves with I think what made me cheer SO MUCH the first time I did the fight.

The music, the song To The Edge has become one of my most played songs in my entire music library (alongside Endwalker - Footfalls and Shadowbringers) as it is quite frankly perfect for the fight. and when they revealed that Soken had been battling cancer and wrote it whilst in hospital…

I adore the fight all together, and cannot help but say the lines in the cut scene bit in the middle every time I do the fight, and will never ever get bored of it.

So what moments in a game would you love to complete again with no prior experience?

    1 year ago

    I have a couple gaming moments I would love to experience again for the first time:

    Destiny 1 - The Taken King raid through and through. The atmosphere, the music, the sense of “what we’re doing here really matters.” Raids in Destiny have always been the best part of the game for me, but that one really holds a special place in my heart.

    Bioshock - There’s a moment in the campaign that I won’t spoil, but if you know, you know.

    Fallout 3 - This game was my first open world game, so it had a lot of lasting impressions on me. All the little side stories, side quests, lore, terminal entries, etc. I spent so many hours just reading terminal logs and learning about all these people that used to exist in this world. Up until that game, most games I played were an “on-rails” experience. This was a whole new thing for me: the idea of story being what I make of it, rather than what I’m told it is.

    The Last of Us - In sort of the opposite to my reasoning for Fallout 3, this one is the best linear story of all time for me. It was just such a perfectly tailored experience, there’s nothing like playing it for the first time.

    Titanfall 2 - “Protocol 3” (if you know, you know)

    Apex Legends - Launch day specifically, because they dropped it with no prior marketing or anything. Everyone was just running around trying to learn this brand new thing. It was my first BR I had any interest at all in playing. Unfortunately, it overstayed it’s welcome for me, but launch day was something else.

      1 year ago

      Bioshock - There’s a moment in the campaign that I won’t spoil, but if you know, you know.

      Will you kindly tell us what it is?