It feels like more Lemmy apps are going to make their way on to the app stores. With more apps, comes more people. More people, more API calls. How do we scale this server and hopefully all of the others to come, financially?

There are some REALLY interesting Podcast 2.0 features in the works. Especially using “value4value” and “boosting” as a way for listeners to tip their favorite podcasts and fund them directly. I wonder if somehow we can learn from it?

For those who do not know, hopefully these Podcasting 2.0 features will help podcasters continue to thrive in world where companies like Spotify and Amazon have decided to destroy our incredible open and free podcast networks by making “exclusives” and putting them behind paywalls that don’t follow the open standards.

I’d really love to integrate Podcasting 2.0 RSS and the fediverse. How cool would it be if every podcast episode just had its own place in the fediverse with a place to chat and it all worked together somehow automatically.

I dunno. Just a thought.

Here’s some info:

    1 year ago

    While I loathe to admit it, this is just how communities seem to behave. Just like bacterial or fungal colonies on agar, the centers die from waste and lack of resources while the edges expand, and unless some larger force displaces some of the members to another plate, the culture will expand until it dies. This is why many of us moved from Reddit and other social media sites, we sort-of sporulated and rode the air currents to another petri dish.

    The reason this system is unique, is that unless someone successfully patents and demands money for the software itself (which would be a legal nightmare to do at this point, if I understand correctly), we can rinse and repeat this process if and whenever it becomes necessary. Should become too congested, underfunded, or take the path of commercial giants like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter–anyone can run up another server for their small group and start cultivating a new community, or move to any of the other growing communities.

    There will be content and connections lost along the way, sure, but that’s just part of the impermanence of life, which in my opinion is part of the fun!

    Edit, additionally: Believe it or not, some communities are self-limiting and find a harmonious way of existing within the ecosystem–like instances that focus on special-interest discussion groups that share a common theme.