Since this is a very new community, let’s take a moment to introduce ourselves in this thread. Please share your interests and what you are working on!

    1 year ago

    I’m Edwin. I’ve been enamored by Haskell for several years, but never had the opportunity to work on it professionally, or for any medium-to-large sized projects.

    I did write a statistics calculator for DnD 5e for my DM that used Haskell for the backend though, and that was fun. I attempted to use Haskell for the GUI, but found the experience lacking, since my DM had a requirement that it work on Windows and be a desktop app. Long story short, I spent hours trying to get gi-gtk to work on Windows after spending other hours trying various other solutions (to include threepenny-gui) before eventually giving up and writing the GUI in Python + Qt 6.

    I now have a passion project named “War Womb”, which aims to be a 2D app that lets you play Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika digitally. I have a prototype written as a web-app using Python + FastAPI in the backend and Typescript + React on the frontened. I’ve been recently tinkering with SDL to see if I can treat the app more like a game, since there are a lot of interactive components, and thus hopefully use Haskell for this project instead, since I have way more fun programming in Haskell than anything else I’ve use.