• Soyweiser@awful.systems
    11 months ago

    I remember when LW at least tried to prevent this by doing the ‘epistemic status’ thing (which was a bit silly as it depended on the honesty of the author but at least they tried, and I am annoyed they gave up on that).

    Edit: I was looking up a source for what you said (and discovered Miller has deleted his twitter) and came across this: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpk3gZqLkQ1/ “Ever wondered what it’s like to be pro-life and in the medical sphere? Look no further and join Alexandra as she speaks to the UK’s most prolife-ic (see what we did there) doctor against abortion, Calum Miller.” yeah really something he should have disclosed.

    Edit 2: lol ow god he didn’t delete his twitter he actually renamed it from cdoggmiller to DrCalumMiller but forgot to update his own blog. ‘cdogg’ ow god. He is also a pretty vocal anti leftwinger (at least in his student days). Edit 3 No wait, he still is

    • Mike Knell@blat.at
      11 months ago

      @Soyweiser He’s also oddly reluctant to disclose in his polemic that his ongoing association with Oxford is as a research fellow at the tiny Blackfriars Hall, which is a combination Dominican friary and heavily Catholic college. Not wholly out of the question that the post is funded by, you know, “a group of concerned individuals”.