I’ve had a great time here. The people on the various communities I’ve joined are very nice and actually constructive! I haven’t encountered any rude or sarcastic responses or one word answers.

I’ve had really cool conversations and I haven’t been told anything toxic or given any anatomically impossible suggestions at all! I really see a difference between here and Reddit.

What particularly amazed me is the lack of knock down dragouts on the Politics and News communities on Lemmy.

People bring up their points of view even if they have contrasting arguments siting historical precedents to support their side of the discussion.

I’m excited to see your experience as well?

I’m really glad to be a part of Lemm.ee and thank you very much /u/sunaurus for making this instance! :D

  • dune@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I think Lemmy definitely has potential, but I feel like the biggest obstacle for mass adopters will be the sign up process. I personally felt a bit of choice overload when picking which instance to sign up on, especially considering how many of them are the exact same. Now that I’m in, though, I definitely feel more at home than I do with Mastodon and Kbin. I’m excited to see where this goes

  • rm_dash_r_star@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Yup, migrating from Reddit here. Biggest problem for me is finding a good instance. First one I tried was not in my region, poor connectivity. Then I started trying ones in my region (USA) after looking at the list sortable by country here; https://the-federation.info/platform/73

    Next one I tried was beehaw.org. That one turned out to be heavily defederated which means it blocks a lot of outside instances. That’s really bad. I can block any instance I want in my profile so why do I need someone else to tell me what I can and cannot access.

    I did pretty well with lemmy.one, performance was good, but was not particularly impressed by the administration, some disabled features and a few blocked instances. Now I’m trying lemm.ee and we’ll see how that goes, so far so good.

    The next big hurdle is finding communities. There’s no sort or filter function when you list them all in a search. So it can be hard to zero in on what you’re looking for. There are some 3rd party sites like lemmyverse.net to help in the search for communities, but it would be a lot better if that was not necessary.

    You can tell Lemmy is immature in terms of development, rough around the edges. It lacks quality of life features and has some glaring bugs. Still its not anything that makes it unusable, but the user experience could be better at this point. I’m sure it will get there as the software matures.

    The huge thing that makes Lemmy superior (and the Fediverse in general) is that it’s community driven by FOSS making it free of corporate influence. That’s just a huge advantage, can’t overstate that too much. Inevitably what happens with corporate driven communities is they prioritize monetization over community interests. That happened with Reddit in a big way as evidenced by the recent strike.

  • HowShouldIKnow@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I’ve always primarily lurked on reddit. I don’t usually say anything unless I have something to add and by the time a post makes it to the front page who is going to see it anyway? So I’m trying to participate more which is new for me. Besides that I’ve had a little trouble with jerboa but I’m chocking that up to growing pains. But so far so good and I’m looking forward to watching lemmy and lemm.ee grow and thrive.

    • Lurra@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Same here, mostly lurked and looked for any interesting topics. Every now and again would catch a debate gone sour and would read it out of curiosity. Never really cared to accumulate karma, didn’t care. Joined reddit years ago when it was simpler and I enjoyed it more. Now its more, karma focused and seeking approval from the mods/masses. I’m glad I left, happy here now.

      • Pixlbabble@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Ha exactly, “They’re seeing our calls Captain, but there is no responding communications”.