I’m particularly interested in low bandwidth solutions. My connection to the internet is pretty rough 20mbps down and 1mbps up with no option to upgrade.

That said, this isn’t limited to low bandwidth solutions.

I’m planning on redoing my entire setup soon to run on Kubernetes followed by expanding the scope of what my server does (Currently plex, a sftp server and local client backups). Before i do that i need a proper offsite backup solution.

  • sudneo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For Kubernetes you can use Velero. I tried it, but I didn’t like it (overly complex for my use case), so I wrote my own tool.

    Essentially the strategy for me is fairly straightforward, but it depends on the data you have.

    I have mostly 2 types:

    • manifests and configuration. This I have all in git (as I am using flux).
    • persistent volumes. I use openEBS, but for a low resources cluster I use host volumes only. For these I have written my tool that simply runs as a daemonset with the whole root of the host mounted in RO and the DAC_read_search capability, queries the API for volumes and backs up using restic the whole PV to Backblaze. Incidentally, this is also the same way I do all my other backups, outside K8s (I.e.borg or restic to b2).

    I chose b2 mostly for the price, but any s3 will do. Since all I am uploading there is encrypted anyway, I don’t need to worry about the privacy implication of having a third party potentially having access to my data.