Sometimes a visual is nice just to help hammer home just how bad things have gotten in parts of the United States. We’ve got a lot of fighting left to do for trans rights.
Sometimes a visual is nice just to help hammer home just how bad things have gotten in parts of the United States. We’ve got a lot of fighting left to do for trans rights.
imagine being this ignorant
oh lmao. should’ve guessed from your other comment that you’re just an alt-right asshole. enjoy the block and report <3
I reported that person as well for transphobic comments, of course these assholes would come here to spout their nonsense too. Guess Twitter and Reddit wasn’t good enough for them 🙄
That’s how those asshats work. They can’t stay in their own shitholes, they have to brigade and attack everywhere else to spread their vitriol. The alt-right is a fucking cancer.