I’m happy we get a switch release of Fire Emblem (7) on Nintendo switch online. It was my first Fire Emblem i have every played and not sure, maybe the game i played the most (or it is sacred stones). I just took this game out of the gaming section in my video games store, a completly random pic, just thought it looks good. At home i couldn’t stop playing it. I have a lot nostalgia for this game and i wasn’t aware at that point that is was the first Fire Emblem outside of japan. So how did you get into the series and which was your first game?

  • ZeroQuest96@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    My first Fire Emblem game was Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. I was in my early teens and my family had dropped by Kmart on our way back from visiting my grandmother on my father’s side. My dad told me to pick a game and the cover art just stood out to me. I had no idea what kind of game it was, but I like medieval-esque fantasy, so I gave it a shot.

    I didn’t open it until a buddy of mine stayed over and we almost exclusively played it from then on, taking turns each level or game over just seeing how far we could get. It took us months to get to the end, and then we’d play through it again.

    From then on I was hooked on the series.

  • inurblacchole@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    fe7, and im so glad. my mom took us to gamestop and i was being an asshole wanting a new game, which she didn’t want to buy. used or nothing. checking out the gba carts, idk what drew me to it, but i picked up the original fire emblem. i was blown away and it’s been my favorite franchise ever since after metal gear solid.

    i dont necessarily want a fe7 remake, but i really want the next fe remake to be like an hd pixelated one like octopath traveler or smt. not a fan of the 3d models and all that lol

  • gourd@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Like many, FE7 was my first. I think we saw it in a magazine or something and picked it up. I was instantly obsessed. It was fun to look back and see how my opinions and playstyle have changed from then to now.

    • Tamlyn@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      I’m sure my playstyle has changed a lot. I wasn’t that good in Fire Emblem at that time.