Data on search engine market share is available, but I wonder what that looks like for Lemmy users in particular, who I would assume lean more technical than the average user, so probably use DuckDuckGo and alternates more than Google.

I use a mix of DuckDuckGo and Kagi. I’ll also use ChatGPT, which can be good if you’re careful to verify the answers it gives you as a check against hallucinations. It’s useful for short, direct answers without ads or SEO bullshit.

This article on Ars (and if you’re not a subscriber, you absolutely should be, as they are the best tech journalists out there) inspired the question:

Fucking Reddit. Enshittification ruins everything.

    1 年前

    Naw, I still use Google. With an ad blocker, I find it to provide the best results by far (though the ad blocker is important, because they get misleading ads sometimes). It’s superior when searching for descriptions (e.g., you can’t remember a movie title and have to describe it) and local results. Plus I use Maps heavily (it’s superior to its competitors) and that integrates into Google.

    I just frankly don’t care that much about tracking my searches or the likes. I see it as the cost of getting a quality product for free. The only reason I even have the ad blocker is frankly because their ads are terrible. They don’t do enough to curate their ads, so scams sometimes slip in. I also think it’s very scummy that you can search, e.g., “pizza hut” and get an ad for Dominos above the Pizza Hut result.