In this thread, we’re going to post the handle, short bio, and (self-declared) expertise of anyone that would like to be positively verified as part of NASA or the surrounding aeronautics and space community. If Lemmy ever gets flair, we’ll discontinue this thread. Until then, please check this list if you want to make sure you’re getting info from a verified source.

Nobody associated with this community, even if we’ve confirmed their identity, speaks on behalf of the agency. Think of this as the equivalent of a bunch of folks talking on LinkedIn. You know they’re NASA, but it’s still just folks talking.

Why is this important? I’m going to be pretty ruthless about policing comments in a very small number of situations - principally where folks are asking for advice or info about employment at NASA, or where folks are asking questions and seeming to expect a response from a person with first-hand knowledge or experience.

How can I get added? If you would like to be added to this list as a NASA employee, DM me. I’ve got a couple of tests in mind to prove bona fides, and if you pass I’ll share with you my IRL NASA email address. Send me an email from yours that contains your bio and expertise, and I’ll post that content as a top-level comment on this thread.

If you would like to be added with an industry or a student tag, let me know and we can come up with a verification method that makes sense.