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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/New_Disaster_4659 on 2023-07-02 05:26:57+00:00.

My husband and I are finally in a position where we are financially stable enough to start making long term plans.

We are not however ready to start a family.

My husband has three brothers and three sisters. They are all younger than him and none have kids yet. We have a group chat where we talk about stuff and coordinate plans.

My husband and I have been on a waitlist for a specific kind of dog from an organization that helps rehome abandoned and surrendered pets.

My family dog growing up was an Akita and I have always wanted to have one again. My mom and dad would not give me my dog after I moved out. (Just kidding, he is 100% their dog)

So we found out last week that we are getting a six month old Akita that was surrendered by a family that didn’t realize how much work they are.

I put up in the group chat that we were going to be adding to our household soon. It was a joke amongst us. They all know we are waiting to be better established before I get pregnant.

I guess my MIL was reading over her daughter’s shoulder and misunderstood what I was talking about. My husband’s youngest sister still lives with their folks.

Well my MIL immediately posted to Facebook that she was going to be a grandmother.

People started asking which of her kids was going to have a baby and she said I was pregnant.

We live in a small city. Like everyone knows everyone. She is actually Facebook friends with my mom.

I was on the group chat still when my mom called to yell at me for not telling her I was pregnant. She was pissed she had to find out on Facebook.

I explained that I had no idea WTF she was talking about. She told me about the post so I went to check it out. Yup. My MIL was telling everyone.

I called her and asked her to please remove the post and I said I wasn’t pregnant. I told her we were getting a dog.

Now she is embarrassed and angry at me for tricking her. She said that I was an insensitive jerk to use a phrase like that when everyone knows it means a baby not a dog. I said that she probably shouldn’t snoop into conversations she wasn’t part of.

Pretty much everyone is on my side except her. She won’t listen to reason and is trying to convince me to get pregnant because I owe it to her. Pardon my language but fuck that noise.