
We need to talk about content/user ranking standardization.

Upvotes/boosts/reduces need to do SOMETHING, and what they do should be unified across instances.

The best way to use these three scores seems obvious to me, and needs a standard to be established.

I posit a simple standard that can be built upon, and used by all:

  • Upvotes increase your “reliability” rating. (This can be used to establish trust as a person who commits bytes to a federated server.)
  • Downvotes decrease that reliability rating. (Admins should be able to use this score to exclude data they’re not interested in wasting space for.)
  • Boosts are reposts to your federated identity (mastodon, kbin, lemmy, etc) for visibility to your subscribers. They are instance-agnostic, as they are more a user function than anything.