My main frustration with the phlogosphere is that it’s not trivial to comment or discuss a phlog entry by other means that the web (which we all despise, right?)

There are solutions of course, but I find them inconvenient:

  • emails
  • instant messaging (IRC/matrix/…)
  • /7/ item trick
  • ???

What’s your take on that ?

    1 year ago

    I wrote a gopher blog engine called slerm that allowed comments. It’s still available at gopher:// It uses the /7/ item type, and requires the name of the post be prefixed in the comment field, which can just be copied from whatever post the user is viewing, so it’s not that inconvenient.

    Edit to add - I’m ok with the RE: or email methods of replying to phlogs, despite those methods being less discoverable or slower - they seem to fit better with the gopher aesthetic.