Get out of here with this nonsense. In the most literal sense, yes, the climate is always shifting. But this is such a bad faith thing to say. We know humans are having a negative impact, and we know more clearly the systems in place that are driving us off a cliff for profit. Acting like nothing is wrong is at best stupidly naive, and at worst astonishingly malicious.
Get out of here with this nonsense. In the most literal sense, yes, the climate is always shifting. But this is such a bad faith thing to say. We know humans are having a negative impact, and we know more clearly the systems in place that are driving us off a cliff for profit. Acting like nothing is wrong is at best stupidly naive, and at worst astonishingly malicious.
That one always bugged me because I like the climate as-is (without any more species going extinct, or crazier weather or flooding, new blights, etc)
Life is the ultimate virus to the environment of earth. The earth would be massively different with no life on it at all.