Hello I am wondering if there is increased network/packet security by connecting to a server over ssh through a VPN hosted by that same server as opposed to without first tunneling by VPN. I imagine with or without tunneling through a VPN there would be latency/speed differences too?
Wireguard uses UDP.
Wireguard also strives to be “silent” for bad traffic/connection attempts. I’ve tried a cursory look to find more information on it, but nothing that explains it simply.
Either way it doesn’t turn up on port scans.
But the router must forward the port to allow the VPN to be utilized , meaning that port being forwarded can be scanned/detected i thought?
It depends on how the router responds to other non-forwarded ports. For UDP an open port with no response is the same as a dropped packet. A scanner will only know if the device sends an ICMP response back to indicate that it is closed.