• qyron@sopuli.xyz
    5 months ago

    I’m against wage slavery in any form.

    I work for a salary, like anyone else. The same way I like to earn my money, others do as well. Do I earn enough to live? Yes. Could I earn more? Yes. Are salaries too low for a decent living? Most. But that sentence as been reduced to a non sequitur and I won’t engage it beyond this.

    Just because you’re pessimistic, doesn’t mean we should stop criticising currently occurring injustice.

    Allow me my pragmatism; a deep systemic change to completely upturn the current operating societal norms would only be achieveable through a massive uprising, which would probably lead to serious conflict. I prefer to never see it but make my best efforts to foment change for others to enjoy it.

    Because I don’t need more than one house for shelter. The other house could enter a usufruct property relation with the community. The accumulation of generational capital is one of the main drivers of economic injustice in the world.

    I’m starting to get a sinking feeling. You have two houses. You decide to start a family. You have a child, maybe two. Each child gets one. Where is the generational wealth? At best, you give the next generation an easier entry into adulthood. Is that wrong?

    Let’s ignore the fact that you can’t make that statement for every juristiction and that not every country has as good tenant protections as yours. Doubling down on the classism, are we? The whole power imbalance is unjust (the whole “justice” system is).

    I am pretty confident I was speaking from my own experience, which implies it may or may not be transferable.

    Then you have a problem with accurate descriptions. That’s your problem, though.

    Which you seem to be giving more value than it is worth.

    Yeah, sure. I’m guessing: selection bias.

    What do you need to know? That I worked with a moving company and was inside dozens of houses, in order to make my statement more “valid”? Or that family of mine worked as house cleaners and the things they saw should never be writen?